Digital Tip Jar Wireframes
Fan Page Wireframe
This wireframe in Axure is for the logged in fan profile page. It is presented in the form of a dashboard, giving users view of recent activity of favorite bands, latest user achievements, and leaderboards to foster a sense of friendly competition.
Fan, Logged-in
This is a screenshot of the responsive desktop prototype. At a glance, the user can see her favorite bands that she likes, along with their recent activities.
She can also upload media captured at a live performance, to share with her friends. Finally, some gamification elements are in display, with her achievements available to foster friendly competition
Musician Tip Page
Once the users land on a musician's page, they can get a detailed biography of their favorite musician.
Fan's can optionally input their email address, and a shout-out to their favorite musician.
The goal is to build connection between the music fan, and the musician, and promote tipping behavior.
Upload: Select Media Source
Select source of media to share
Upload Media
This screen enables a user to upload a photo from a source, and make a comment on the photo.
Recent tags are shown, and options to share the photo via different social media outlets are listed near the bottom.
The upload button confirms the upload interaction.
Upload media confirmation
Once the media has been uploaded, a confirmation message is displayed.
Users receive a nudge to tip the artist, and also has the option to upload additional media, and finally, to send a tweet about the show (without sharing the media).
Fan Music Search
This page enables users to search and discover artists they enjoy, while receiving updates on artists that they follow.
We also wanted to have the Tip Now button prominently displayed at the top, to call attention to this action.
Payment selection
Allow users flexibility in selecting payment methods.
Tip Confirmation
Tipping confirmation, with a message to reaffirm Digital Tip Jar's mission and call to action for New Orleans music fans.